Client Consulting

Guiding and inspiring your journey to optimal health and wellbeing through diet, lifestyle, and nutrition


My Approach…

“Food is like a language, an unbroken information stream that connects every cell in your body to an aspect of the natural world. The better the source and the more undamaged the message when it arrives to your cells, the better your health will be.”

- Catherine Shanahan, MD - Deep Nutrition

Our health challenges are not set in stone. Less than 4% of true disease comes from our genotype (the set of genes we are born with). It is the environmental influences - diet, lifestyle, environment, relationships, etc., that impact our genetic expression or phenotype (expression of observable characteristics which are influenced by both our genotype and our environment).

Recognizing that every metabolic function in the body requires nutrients, the raw materials we fuel our body with, take on a fundamental and essential significance. This is foundational, yet there is so much more to sustainable healing, health, and well-being.

I’ll look at your history, your lab work and imaging (if applicable), we’ll discuss your lifestyle, emotional wellbeing, diet, sleep health and exercise, and create the perfect, accessible nutritional and lifestyle plan, to support your progression and attainment of sustainable, vibrant health.

 Work With Me…

It is my goal to help you integrate on all levels…

“So, when we feel stuck in a pattern and just can’t seem to make the change we want, our body likely needs more support to integrate our healing. Your body is a beautiful, intelligent source of wisdom for you. Being whole means your head, body, and heart are working in harmony to guide you. A deeply connected head, body, and heart is the brilliant result of an integrated and spiritual being.” - Sheleana Aiyana 



Top 12 Healthy Lifestyle Factors:

  1. Diet                                                             

  2. Detoxification/Avoiding Toxicants                 

  3. Normalizing Body Mass Index (BMI)              

  4. Blood Sugar Balance                                     

  5. Optimizing Gut Flora and GI Health               

  6. Nutritional/Herbal Supplementation                         

  7. Optimizing EFA Status

  8. Addressing Personal Health Challenges

  9. Hydration

  10. Exercise

  11. Emotional Stressors/Mindset Management

  12. Optimal Sleep Patterns

Top Six Causes of Health

  1. Expressing a positive, creative outlook - wholeheartedness, authenticity, love, gratitude, compassion, integrity, courage – emotional wellbeing

  2. Healthy, loving relationships

  3. Whole-food diet and nutritional/herbal support

  4. Regular physical exercise/getting out in nature             

  5. Adequate rest (physical and mental)

  6. Living with a clear, benevolent purpose

Within this framework I am able to address…

  • Fertility

  • Pain and Inflammation Management

  • Musculoskeletal Health

  • Athletic performance and Injury Recovery

  • Brain Health – Mood and Emotional Well-being

  • Sleep Health

  • Addiction and Behavioral Health

  • Toxicity/Detoxification

  • Blood Sugar Balance

  • Adrenal and Thyroid Health – Stress Management

  • Overall Endocrine/Hormonal Balance

  • Immune Health

  • Digestive Health

  • Cardiovascular Health

Achieving optimal health does not have to be sacrifice and drudgery. Change your mind and change your life!
— Julie Shivley